Saturday, January 2, 2010

Christmas Crafts, Presents and other stuff...

...I can be very creative when in the mood, for instance I have finished 4 crochet hats for Christmas just recently, plus a few other hats to boot in the last couple of months.

Actually all year I've created,....just haven't blogged about it, but that's all about to change, you see one my new years promises, hopes, resolutions, (the full list can be viewed on my everyday blog lol!) is to create more, and the other is to blog more, so here I am blogging and creating!

Any way as I said I did 4 hats for Christmas presents, got the patterns from a variety of sites of the internet, and should of done more but didn't.

These photos are modelled by Lisey:

Not the best pictures we hastil took them just before wrapping!!

This on is more of a rasta type hat, where all your hair goes inside. Lisey didn't want to wear it like that though.

This is a turn up beanie for one brother This is more of a hat with a slight brim round. For the other brother.

And this is for my sister inlaw, a beret, which has a peak in the front, you can't really tell from way I took the photo, plus the camoflage type wool doesn't help.

If I can find the other hats I made, and the variety of jumpers I actually finished this year, I will post. They're in storage right now (summer here).

So part of my crafting resolution, beside blogging about it more, was to do it more, a major goal is to make all our new season clothes or at least a set of clothes each for the season, and to do knitting and crocheting more.

So yesterday on the first day of the new year I made these, cutie little booties for the new baby to be:

And today, we went to Spotlight, my big girl got some wool and is crocheting her cousin to be some mittens, I got some wool to knit some barbie clothes!?

And we got some material and patterns for summer shorts for us all, the actual material was on special, so for me and Lisey our shorts were $4.00 each, and for the two little ones, the material was $2.10!! now that's a bargain lol. The patterns were more expensive of course, but we will use them several times, so very cost effective.

So all in all, for the second day of the year, I'm doing pretty well, I didn't bake today, but, I might have to ammend that resolution, haha!

Photos to follow hopefully tomorrow, but that's all for now.

Love an hugs world

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