Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 4 Swimming Shorts

A fairly lazy day today, we are in the middle of summer school holidays here in Australia, another 4 weeks, I think till the beginning of school, so we are taking it easy for a week or so.

The kids have been having a blast with the kids next door, which is always handy, so I've been on the internet browsing through all the wonderful crafting blogs, specifically sewing today.


When I came to one blog last night, (this one: Gertie's ) I knew I'd found my style groove, its got tutes and tips on sewing, etc. but what interested me the most was her vintage style, and in particular her goal to make all the items in the Vogue's New Book for Better Sewing, a sewing guide from the 1950s.

I have always loved the fashion of the 40s and 50's the cinched waist, the pincurls, the dark red lipstick, very feminine and sexy. Plus the longer silhouette of the 60s and 70s, not the hippy look, (although I do love the looser, freeflowing, floaty look too, perfect beach wear.)

But I have never thought I could pull off the look, I realised today however, that I can do what ever I want, imagine that! What ever I want. I let it sink in for a while, floated down the stairs on the wings of my new discovery, cut up some watermelon for the kids, baked some yummy scones, no pics, all gone, got the kitchen clean and floated back upstairs to resume my new dream lol.

I was a bit dopey, so luckily there was no cameras around. Anyway, between last night and today I have a fashion board made, did an internet search for the appropriate patterns and pics, bought a couple of patterns off Ebay, and did more research online, well that's what I call it.

Now I'm not going to go off and get a makeover and turn totally vintage, but I do need to revamp me, I've been a mother for so long I forgot how to dress myself lol.

I've had a thought that I may do before and after photos, I am planning on recycling or giving away most of my wardrobe, as really I don't have many things I actually love to wear. So as I make each outfit, I'll photograph an outfit Im getting rid of and then the one which is replacing it, it'll be great!! Well I think so anyway lol.


Heres my fashion board, although no swatches or anything, and only very rough drawings, but its a start on my summer wardrobe, even though we are in the midst of summer!

You can't really see it properly, but besides the dress, middle bottom, (which was a just for fun drawing of a website I found), I plan to make these by the end of January, they're all based on ready made patterns which I need to tweek a bit to get the look I'm after, but I am really excited!

I also had a browse of the online pattern books for Vogue, Butterick and McCalls, wow who would have thunk, online pattern books! And on Ebay to see what was available, and picked out most of the rest of my wardrobe, so this summer/spring, I'm gonna look HOT!

So here are some of my picks for the rest of the outfits:
I want to use the shorts for swim shorts, I don't do bikinis, well at least not the bottoms without some coverage, so this pattern will be very cute over them. Luckily its available for about $2 on Ebay, although the auction hasn't finished yet haha.

The dress is super sexy in this one, I do like the jacket too, but I think I'd like one a bit more fitted, although I won't make a jacket till winter.

Ahh the shirtdress, or safari as it happens to be called in this 70's pattern lol. I will definitely make a couple of these.

These are the ones I already have:

I like the McCalls skirt here, I don't really think I will suit the full, full skirt, and this one has just a little less fullness which gives it just the right look for me.

I have yet to find patterns for the portrait type blouse, or a fitted jacket that I really love so will keep on surfing.

I had also noticed this little beautie on a number of blogs, like Confessions of the Pink Obsessed and will add it to the dresses to make, can be worn in winter or summer, depending on what you team with it, or what material you make it out of, so is a great addition I think.

I love it so much, I might make it first, ma honey will love it. Actually might be a bit short to be worn without stockings, so may have to wait to wear it in winter!


So what did I do today besides dreaming and planning? Well I made these after dinner, and my little man loves them, you know when your tucking them into bed, they're half asleep and they whisper to you that they love you? Well he said, "Thank you for my swim shorts mummy". Just makes me want to squeeze him!

I think I might make the size up for the next pair.

And they are not really made of swim truck material, they look good enough just to wear out I think.

So that's day 4 of the new year.


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